Sustainability Sweet Spot

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Ever tried to fit a square peg into a round hole?  How about a round peg into a square hole?  I have, and the results are amazing. You see, I always believed myself to be a round peg.  And after researching the term a little bit deeper, it's all so clear. The origins of the idiom are attributed to the 19th-century British philosopher and cleric Sydney Smith who uses the word “misfit” to define the peg.  Of course, that makes sense – mis-fit. Another part of the example I found quite interesting – “trying to combine two things that do not belong or fit together”.  That one triggered an interesting memory. The Big Question It was fourth year of university, and as I was standing in front of the students in…
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Purchase with Purpose

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There is a fine line between conservation and hoarding.  Seeing value in so many things can lead to not throwing items away.  To be completely honest – despite being a Virgo – I am not very tidy.  My older Sister (by only 22 months) has been a role model to me ever since I can remember.  She has been there for me in one way or another for decades and I am so grateful for our commitment to each other.  Luckily one of her expertise and hobbies is Clutter Crackdown and I was her guinea pig. It took a long time for what she was saying to sink in, however, over the years her voice (echoed by my mother’s) finally makes sense.  I am finding liberation and enjoyment in getting…
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Shifting to a Simply Sustainable Lifestyle

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Have you ever noticed how good it feels to be outside, connected with Nature? While living in Venezuela, I recognized that the closer to the Earth I am, the better I feel. It was 2009 and under fortunate circumstances, I traveled through much of this beautiful country. rich in natural beauty and gorgeous landscapes. In the State of Merida, something led me to the mountain town of Tabay.  An encounter with a local businessman brought me even further into the mountains to a small neighbourhood called El Guamal. Farm Life The first month my travel partner and I rented the main house on a farm. The following month, we sublet the much smaller house on the same property that was previously abandoned.  A couple from Argentina restored the space, and turned…
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Waste not, want not

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Everybody wants to get ahead. Well, what it we got ahead of ourselves? Why not slow it down? Take a decade just to catch up with the information and developments. We are revolutionizing products every second. The new & improved are coming out faster than we can keep up with. As a result, having the latest trends is indebting us to jobs we do not love and a lifestyle we cannot sustain. Technology is wonderful, in so many ways. The example of me being able to share my blog online rather than mail it out randomly to the world is simply incredible and efficient. The amount of lives that have been saved with new development of old practices is astonishing. Transportation, education, agriculture, entertainment, and many other parts of our…
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Are we building to last?

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I am so grateful that I was inspired to use the name Simply Sustainable for my grassroots movement. Its origin being from a “consulting firm” I created while studying Environmental Management as a student at Niagara College in 2006. When I decided to transition into artistry a couple of years later, the name stuck. It reminds me of two key components, a two item checklist: Am I keeping it Simple? Am I making it Sustainable? [caption id="attachment_104" align="aligncenter" width="453"] Tulum, Mexico[/caption] Define simple? I have come to know and satisfy this term by building a grassroots movement using basic ingredients: time, patience, hard work, devotion, love, creativity, positive energy, traditional techniques, etc.   It has not been easy, but I have done my best to keep it simple. Sustainability? This term…
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